November 18, 2010

Green Smoothies: Breakfast of Champions

 5 days a week, I start my day off with an enormous green smoothie -- and at least one day a week I hear something about it:

"What the heck is that?"

"Did you make that yourself?"

"What's in that?"  or the ever so tasteful "That looks gross." 

And the truth is -- it does kind of look gross.  It looks like lawn clippings mixed with water or something, and just typing that made me dry heave a little.  But it is the best tasting, most-efficient, on-the-go breakfast ever so I remind myself regularly that food doesn't always have to be pretty to be delicious.   And this Breakfast of Champions is definitely delicious.  If you are not sold on the delicious factor, what if I told you it had 2 CUPS OF SPINACH in it.  I mean, hello, when else are you going to eat 2 cups of spinach??  If you are like me, probably never, since I don't even like spinach that much.  But in this smoothie?  You can't even taste it!  So here we go...

Add the following to a blender and give it a whirl:

1 Cup of Almond Milk (I used unsweetened Vanilla Almond Milk, but you could use plain too)
1 Frozen Banana
1 Scoop of Protein Powder of Your Choice (you need an emulsifier so it's milkshake-like)
1-2 TBS of Almond Butter (You could use Peanut Butter if you have it on hand)
2 TBS of Ground Flax Seeds (Or anything else you'd like to sneak in)
2 Cups of Spinach

You all, it tastes like a giant peanut butter and banana smoothie but you just ate 2 cups of spinach.  How badass is that?  Plus, with the almond butter/milk/protein powder combo you will not be hungry until lunch, I promise. 


And if nothing else, Popeye (and your mom, no doubt) would probably be proud.


Calves said...

love it! I like to put kale and blueberries in mine. will def try this!

Kristen's Raw said...

Yay for starting off the day with a giant green smoothie :)


Camels & Chocolate said...

Did you by chance get this recipe from Caitlin of Operation Beautiful/Healthy Tipping Point? She makes the same thing daily, and I started doing it for awhile as're right, you only taste the bananas and/or chocolate and peanut butter. So good!

Home Sweet Sarah said...

I need to freakin fix my blender because this sounds bomb and so healthy!

Anonymous said...

I just came across this recipe a few weeks ago and it is AMAZING!!! Thanks for sharing :)


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