
December 31, 2008

2008: Year In Review

Wow! Has an entire year passed already? That was qu-ick! It's been a good one though -- A Year of Firsts! And of course filled with friends, family and lots of travel, so I thought I'd do a quick little recap.


January started off with a bang -- of thunder that is! The weather last year was definitely XXXXTREME and I resolved to be a little less extreme with how I spent my free time.

I wanted to read more (which I definitely did) and see more movies (TOTAL FAIL). Overall I did okay with the 2008 Resolutions, although you know I've got more coming for 2009 (I'm still kind of marinating on them -- post forthcoming).

January also brought that "incident" wherein I "lost" my second laptop at work, only to find out 2 weeks later that my co-worker had seen it on my desktop and locked it up in a "secure" spot, only to promptly forget about it.

Yeah. Anyway.


February was fun and rough all at the same time. Garrett and I celebrated a lovely Valentine's Day out in the wineries in Plymouth...

...and it was so enjoyable that I came home and promptly GOT THE FLU! (Thank you St. Valentine.) I was down for the count for over 7 days and it is by far the sickest I have been in decades.


March held some highs and some lows. Unfortunately Garrett and I took our first plane trip of the year down to San Diego for a funeral. His Uncle's passing was sudden and unexpected; in the end, however, the visit really allowed Garrett to do some connecting with his family and for me to meet some of those family members for the first time -- which was a real blessing!

Plus there was Rock Band! And we all know that no one can have a bad time when they are playing Rock Band!


April started off a year that was full of fun filled family adventure! I really hope to repeat that in 2009. This year my extended family saw each other more than we have in many past years and it was SO! MUCH!FUN! As we all get older our times together just get so much more...well, FUN!

Our first gathering was in April when we headed down to Fremont to cheer on my cousin John who was graduating from the Police Academy.

We were all incredibly proud, and as such had to throw a little party to show it, and some of us clearly took it more seriously than others...


In May we celebrated Garrett's 27th birthday, which always makes me happy! Of course, because it is the day he was born -- but ALSO, because for the next 6 months it looked like he was only 2 years younger than me, instead of 3. (I'm a cougar in training -- ROWR! haha NOT really.) I also found myself down in San Diego for work, and what better town to be stuck "working" in because my cousin Jenny lives down there.

We really got to just lay low and hang out, which was great! I got to spend time at the beach, plus we went out on the town with some of her friends one night, which was just what I needed after a hard week of working:

After coming back from San Diego, Garrett and I went to a wedding here in Sacramento for two of his good friends who are from San Diego. Try and keep all that straight in your head!

Anyway, it was a beautiful wedding, and by far the biggest one we have ever been to (there were hundreds of people there)-- and -- it was the first time Garrett has ever been a groomsman. As one who is always the bridesmaid around here, I found that novel and so of course I took way too many pictures. But seriously, how could I not when there were so many handsome dudes in tuxes walking around?


In June we were back down in San Diego again (I know, right? Do you see a trend?) for Garrett's cousin Davin's wedding. I think the Universe is telling us to buy a vacation home down there by the beach, but that is just my opinion.

It was another fun filled family affair with EVEN! MORE! FAMILY! this time. The wedding was somewhat untraditional (the bride wore yellow, and they walked down the aisle to the theme from Indiana Jones) but the emotions were all the same. Lots of love in the park that day -- and also DELICIOUS paella!

We also spent June discovering discovering a fantastic band, as well as watching Garrett's uncle get his degree from Cal State East Bay.
We were super proud of Johnny's accomplishment and so we had to do some celebrating!


July was a whirlwind of travel and music -- just how I like it! We headed down to Monterey for the 4th of July where it was so cold I had to wear a scarf out to watch the fireworks! It was a welcomed relief after the mid-summer Sacramento heat, and as always it was SO FUN to spend time with my cousins (plus Sara and Paul were FANTASTIC hosts!)

The following week we headed down to Los Angeles to see one of our favorite bands perform and to see some old friends.

We rented a Prius, made some great mix cds, and headed down the highway! Even though it was a quick and dirty trip and we pretty much ate our way through So Cal, it was SUCH A BLAST!

I also celebrated my 100th blog post here, and as such felt compelled to tell you all about my purchase of the world's smallest pair of underwear, and I also recapped what a crazy band The Red Elvises are after we caught their show at Old Ironsides.

And to end the month we headed over to Sonoma to help my cousin Jim celebrate his 31st Birthday by wine tasting on bikes! (It seemed like a good idea at the time...haha)

It was a really special day and we were all lucky to have gotten to celebrate with him!

Whew! July was a busy, busy month!


So in August I had to take a vacation! :) Unfortunately it was not the kind of vacation you really want to take. I had a GIGANTIC presentation in September to prepare for in the Emerging Leaders Program that I spent all of 2008 participating in at work, and as such, I spent August preparing for that presentation. I sort of took a vacation from my life and was eating, sleeping, and breathing work. The end result was phenomenal though, and I'm so happy that I participated in the ELP program. If the only price I had to pay was giving up one month of leisure activities, I would do it all over again in a heartbeat!


September was filled with reunions of sorts. The first was that I reunited with my social life! And then quickly thereafter with two of my good friends from high school. My friend Natalie married her sweetheart Irwin in a beautiful ceremony down in the Bay Area, and I got to see her family (who I hadn't seen in ages) and my good friend Jen and her main-man Will (who I also hadn't seen in ages).

I also reunited with my family as we spent an incredibly raucous weekend (after an incredibly stressful but succesful presentation at work) at The Cabin up in Arnold -- aka "The Treehouse". How can you be stressed when you have a cold beer in your hand and this is your backdrop?

Answer: You Can't.

And I wasn't. That is until we all heard on the news that our cousin Ned was getting canned? WTF, Milwuakee?????

Continuing with the family news, my aunts got married (score!) up in Chico and we all got to celebrate...with the absolute best signature cocktails, I might add.

And as an absolute non-sequiter, I also came to the realization that my boyfriend has a doppleganger. Who knew?


Holy Moly, what a month!

I moved into a cute new Bachelorette Pad. My first time ever living alone!

I turned 30 and threw an amazing party where I got to hang with all of my family and friends.

And Garrett and I revisited our roots by dressing up as Peet's employees for Halloween.

Considering it was the place we fell in love, I was more than happy to relive those days!

...and beyond that, hoo boy, I slept! Because moving and throwing a party in a two week period can really exhaust you!


November saw history being made, and I think we will all remember where we were and how we felt when Barack Obama got elected -- no matter who you voted for. Garrett and I spent the evening together, and I (of course) just bawled through his speech. His charisma and ability to bring people together are exciting, and for the first time in years I have felt hope when it comes to politics in this country.

I also celebrated my three year anniversary with Garrett and finally got around to telling the second half of our love story. I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with that man, and I feel incredibly lucky to have found him all those years ago!

Lastly, I took a crazy sailing trip for work AND SURVIVED! I wasn't sure how I would do, but in the end it was more fun than I could have asked for, and I feel pretty lucky at the end of this year, not only to have a job, but to have a job that requires me to hop on sailboats and check out views like this:


This December has gone by faster than any I can remember in recent history. Did you notice that too?

I traveled to LA for work, but also got to see a good friend (and eat the best! meal! ever!

I had a fun celeb sighting.

And of course celebrated Christmas with my family by eating way to much and sleeping on the couch. (Sorry no pics of that...haha)

But the best news by far was Garrett got a new job! And we are both so excited about what opportunities 2009 is going to bring for both of us. I hope you all enjoyed that little (er, rather, HUGE) Year in Review and I hope you have happy and safe New Year's Celebrations this evening.

It has been an amazing year connecting with all of you through this blog and I can't wait to see what 2009 brings!

December 24, 2008

Merry Christmas From A Couple of Chuckleheads Wearing Antlers

As an apology for spending another year purchasing yet not actually sending Christmas Cards (I have amassed quite a collection, you know) I give you this lovely photo.

I hope all of your holidays are safe, happy, and most of all LAZY! Because I swear to you all I will not be getting out of my PJs or my slippers tomorrow unless forced to against my will.

Much Love and Good Wishes!

December 19, 2008

Pitchfork's Top 10 Albums of 2008

Pitchfork Media's list of Top 10 Albums of 2008 is out today and I was excited to see some of my favorites make the cut!

1. Fleet Foxes -- Sun Giant EP/Fleet Foxes
I have been effusive in my love for Fleet Foxes all year and I couldn't be happier for their success. They were an incredibly humble band with a fantastic sound!

2. Portishead -- Third

3. No Age -- Nouns

4. Cut Copy -- In Ghost Colours
So it has been no secret that Cut Copy gets me out of bed some mornings. There album is dancy and fun and if you need a pick me up you should give it a listen.

5. Deerhunter -- Microcastle

6. TV on the Radio -- Dear Science I just looked in my iTunes and I have an old TV on the Radio album and have never listened to it. Hmmm...I guess I need to bust that out!

7. Vampire Weekend -- Vampire Weekend
Vampire Weekend was an integral part of my LA Road Trip 2008. This album has been something I have connected with all year -- I love their voices, their sound, and OF COURSE I love the song Oxford Comma. I mean what English nerd wouldn't have love for a snarky song about punctuation?

8. M83 -- Saturdays=Youth
Love, LOVE, Love this album! Such emotion! They also have a unique sound and this album is very accesible if you have never listened to them.

9. Hercules and Love Affair -- Hercules and Love Affair

10. DJ/Rupture -- Uproot

December 14, 2008

Drugstore Cowgirl

During "these challenging economic times," (by the way I have just about had it up to here with that expression) I think we can all agree that doing your part to save a little here and there is definitely worth looking into.

Well I'll be the first to tell you, beauty products are not usually the first thing that comes to mind when I start thinking about "cutting back," but lately I have been stepping out of my comfort zone, and making just about all my beauty related purchases at Target and I have come across some fantastic products whose praises I want to shout from the rooftops! But then it started raining, so here we are. No rooftops, but effusive praise, nonetheless.

The first product that I want you to run out and purchase IMMEDIATELY is Softsoap Fresh Pear & Apple Blossom Shower Gel. Now I am fairly picky about my bodywash, as I have CRAZY sensitive skin, but can I tell you...this is not only incredibly gentle, mildly exfoliating, and super lathery when used on a puffy sponge BUT, and I am not even exaggerating a little bit here, IT IS THE BEST SMELLING SHOWER GEL THAT WILL EVER HAVE GRACED YOUR STUFFED UP WINTER NOSTRILS! It's delicate, fruity, and a little bit floral all at the same time, and it lasts forever, so you will smell shower fresh throughout your entire day. Delicious, and under $4.

My second favorite Target purchase as of late is Luxurious Volume Shampoo and Conditioner by John Frieda. Now I will admit, I was a little leery at first (the claims on the bottle are pretty crazy and I have no idea whether or not they are true). How exactly does one measure 110% more volume when it comes to hair?. And I was 99% sure that nothing could beat Alterna Life Volume Shampoo and Conditioner, but at $50 a bottle (ouch, that hurts to even type) I just had to try and find a competitor. And although it's no Alterna, what I can tell you is that it smells delicious, leaves my hair clean and fresh, and I have noticed a bit more 'bounce' in my bob, so I guess that means it's working! And with each bottle, under $5, I've got $90 left over for spend on some good root lifter! Any recommendations?

Last but not least is the product that I was MOST skeptical about. I am a longtime fan of Dermalogica Special Cleansing Gel but at about $40 a bottle I am open to suggestion. I have used Neutrogena face wash before and never fallen in love so I certainly wasn't running down the aisle to get this in my cart. That is, until they introduced the Grapefruit. If you must know, Pink Grapefruit is my downfall. My kryptonite, if you will. If there has ever been a Pink Grapefruit flavored anything available, I have purchased it. I absolutely love that smell and somehow just can't say no. So I didn't, and one day in passing just threw it in my cart. What the hell, at under $6 it won't be a crisis if I hate it, and lo and behold -- I LOVED IT! It gets the bulk of my eye makeup off (score!), is gentle on my skin (yay!), and smells AH-MAY-ZING (natch!), so I really can't recommend a better inexpensive alternative.

So there's my two cents, for what it's worth. Anyone want to go to Target?

December 12, 2008


Friday Afternoon Edition. What a difference a week makes!

Excited About...2009. I have some big plans, and I just love a blank slate. I have lots on my mind about what I want to accomplish.

Worried About...Garrett's stress level. Hopefully I can expand more on this soon, but right now I'm going to leave it at that.

Reading...The Superficial. I'm not gonna lie. :)

Creating...a game plan for my health.

Loving...the fact that I get to sleep in tomorrow.

Hating...the feeling of being anxious! (See 'Garrett's stress' answer above).

Wondering...why the caged bird sings.

Craving...a facelift for this blog.

Listening to...the voices in my head tell me how good dinner with Kelly and Gersson is going to be tonight.

Watching...Your Mom.

Renting... Absolutely nothing. Because the thought of commiting to any television or movie watching right now is too much drama.

December 11, 2008

Apropos of Nothing...

I have a lovely bullet pointed list of things to tell you, my pretties!

  • I am ready for the weekend! Last weekend went by way too fast and was filled with travelling for work, which always kind of sucks the life out of me, so I am totally excited to not have ANYTHING to do this weekend. WOO! I will probably spend a ridiculous amount of time reading my book and lounging in a bubble bath. Speaking of bubble baths, might I recommend this delicious trio of bath products from your local Target store? Not only does it make my skin feel fantastic, but it sort of smells like I'm bathing in sugar cookie dough -- which, you know, to me is a plus!

  • I need a new haircut, like stat! I've been growing my hair out a bit over the past couple months because I want a more 'medium-length' hairstyle I think, but it is like snaggletooth sally all of a sudden. It's driving me crazy and I need some inspiration. While it's in the ugly grow out phase, I'm thinking something like this:

    (Ok seriously, I know Kristin Cavalleri was so STUPID on Laguna Beach, but she is darling!)

    or perhaps this:

    (this is more along the lines of keeping it short, but so cute!)
    Any thoughts?

  • Have you seen this book???

  • OMG! How much did you love Sassy Magazine as a teenaged girl? I was a super fan, along with (of course) YM, Seventeen, and even Teen Magazine. Just reading about this book took me back to that time. Ah, how simple was life when the worst thing that could happen was getting a pimple before a big date or your superfine crush finding out you liked him? (sigh)

  • Last but not least -- along with the style funk that I mentioned the other day, I am totally in a fitness funk! I am getting too old to be this irresponsible with my health, and I feel more and more pressure everyday to really get my act in gear. I need to drop some pounds, begin a more regular fitness routine, and start managing my stress through more healthy outlets -- you know, like yoga instead of a glass of merlot? The problem is I am just TOTALLY unmotivated. Starting any kind of fitness routine is hard, and making any sort of life change is scary. So I may be talking about that type of stuff here over the next few months because it is seriously on my mind. I found a really fun website that kind of deals with all these types of things that have been on my mind. It's the brainchild of Linda over at All & Sundry who writes with wit so sharp it hurts! She writes quite a bit about motherhood, but does so in such a non-obnoxious way that it gives me hope that someday me and all of my snark will be ready to have some babies. Also she has really transformed her body and lifestyle over the last year and I just think that is awesome! Her new website is a real inspiration, so I just thought I would share with you all. And also let you know that when I figure out what my fitness strategies are going to be, I'll keep you guys posted, and any inspiration you have -- BRING IT ON! (You are waiting with bated breath, I know).

December 09, 2008

First World Concerns...

So I'm kind of in a style funk. Dressing professionally 5 days a week can sort of suck the life blood out of style and I hate that this is the case! I know it is possible to remain smartly dressed -- stylish and confident -- while also being professional.

I came across this article via Amber over at My Aim Is True about 5 Ways to Define Your Own Personal Style and I thought it has some smart ideas, including:

1. Purchase a notebook and create a look book of inspiration. Clothing, models, makeup, people you think have good taste, etc. I think that sounds pretty fun, because I am TOTALLY into notebooks/journals etc. and I figure, what the heck, this will give me even more reasons to thumb through magazines or print out pretty things I see online. Just for fun and to get a better idea of what I find attractive, and what things I can do immediately to spice up my look.

2. Borrow Clothes and Accessories from your friends: experiment and find out what works for you. I'm probably less apt to do this, but what the hell...anyone have any fun jewelry they wanna swap? (Kelly, I'm looking at you...haha)

3. Start Taking Daily Outfit Photos So I am already a member of The Working Closet Flickr Pool where I occasionally post my outfits. Usually this is how it works: I post diligently for a week or two and really think about my wardrobe...then when I realize I am wearing a repeat of an outfit I wore previously, I decide not to photograph it and basically get lazy. Need to work on this. I've begun a set of photos of "What I Wore" but we will see if I can keep up with the creativity.

4. Write Yourself A Style Concept I feel like maybe a few weeks of look-booking and documenting what I wear will help me get this down to a few words or phrases.

5. Be Prepared To Spend Some Time Thinking About Your Look I'm pretty sure photgraphing my outfits, blogging about it, and reading about it imply a willingness party. I'm going to invest some time over the next few weeks and see what happens.

Anyone have any surefire style tips to share?

December 08, 2008


Monday Morning Edition

Excited About...being home from LA. I was down there teaching a class on Business Writing and Grammar and it was a bit nerve-wracking! (sp?) It is nice to be home and have that off my plate.

Worried About...managing our December social calendar. Garrett and I have lots going on and lots we want to do and HELLO, it's Christmas. I'm wishing weekends were at least a day or two longer!

Reading...The Sookie Stackhouse Series I know, I know..enough with the vampires already! These books are smart, fun, and an easy read though. They are the basis of the HBO series True Blood.

Creating...a list a mile long of things to do, including Christmas Cards...argh! It maybe almost be too late!

Loving...Cinnamon Dolce Lattes from Starbucks. Holy Moly, those are delicious! Even Garrett thinks they are tasty and he basically hates Starbucks and all of their offerings.

Hating...that the weekend is already over. It was definitely too short! But other than that I am not hating much. Life is good!

Wondering...about all the exciting things that 2009 will bring!

Craving...a cranberry bliss bar. Y-U-M!

Listening students typing. But if I were to insert an album recommendation in this category, it would be "She's The Dutchess, He's the Duke" by (not surprisingly) The Dutchess and the Duke. I'm exceptionally partial to the track Reservoir Park. I can't get it out of my head!

Watching... True Blood. Duh.

Renting... Season One of Mad Men. LOVE!

December 05, 2008

The Surreal Life

So I'm currently sitting in a terminal in LAX across from Adrian Pasdar and Milo Ventimiglia from Heroes. (And for the record, they are not doing that weird man embrace like in the picture, but strangely enough they are wearing suits.)

I'm amused that I can be in an airport and yet also blogging about this as I keep making sporadic eye contact with them (You know, in between all the text messages that I'm sending EVERYONE I KNOW WHO MIGHT THINK IT'S INTERESTING). It's so cyber-meta. Ah, technology! So wonderful! So creepy!

I actually would not have even noticed them at all because they are rather diminutive figures, which in my experience is always the way it is with celebs, but as I was making my way up to the LAX Security Line there were a ton of paparazzi stalking away with all of their flashbulbs. It wasn't even a huge group but I thought to myself gee, that must get so old. Can you imagine? One camera guy had even gone through security and gotten upstairs into to the carry-on scanning area (Great job, TSA). I wondered to myself if he had bought a ticket just to get up there and get a shot, or if he actually had a plane to catch and this was just a coincidence? What a bizarre lifestyle when you think about it. And one of the photogs was a girl just like me -- in her 30's, smartly dressed, looking like she just got off work at her office job.

LA is a surreal place sometime.

When I first walked into to the Southwest terminal it was like 90 degrees inside and of course I was juggling a suitcase, a giant purse, and a carryon and my sunglasses kept falling off my head and I really had to pee. It was starting to get so hot that I thought my face must be glowing, so I basically dropped everything, peeled off my jacket, and started to fan myself with my boarding pass (Operation Cool Down, by the way? TOTAL FAIL. Confidential to LAX: It's 79 degrees outside. The heat inside? It isn't doing anyone any favors). What I'm trying to tell you is that in that exact moment, I was so graceful and put together you could have called me Posh Fucking Spice. In fact, you should have called me that because I'm sure I also looked slightly anorexic, incredibly tan, and with perfectly coiffed hair (as usual).

So anyway, it occurred to me right then in that moment of absolute glamor, that I am so grateful that I have the luxury to be my giant mess of a self in anonymity. Did any of you catch that Britney Spears documentary (excuse me, "documentary") on MTV the other night? What a shitshow, right? Her photog situation is unreal! I feel sorry for those having to live under a microscope. I know everyone says "Bah! They're rich, that's what you sign up for." But honestly, is it worth it for millions of dollars to have your every move documented?

I'm gonna say no thanks. I mean, it never stops! If it's not the paparrazi being all flash-bulby and annoying, then it's some random Sacramento girl blogging about how you are wearing a suit while eating McDonald's french fries-- LIKE IT IS ACTUALLY NEWSWORTHY -- all while she stares at you coyly across an airline terminal secretly wanting to know if Hayden Panettiere is as stumpy and weird looking in real life?

Surreal, I say. Surreal.

December 04, 2008

Overstimulated much?

I'm generally not a huge fan of travelling for work. When I was younger I loved it -- the glamour of driving a rental car (ha!), having a whole hotel room to myself, a new town to explore, and no one to answer to.

Though I'm now happily attached to my daily routines and don't find travelling quite as glamorous as I once did, I still thoroughly enjoy having a whole hotel room to myself in which to indulge.

Exhibit A:

I'm blogging right now under the covers of my King Size bed as I listen to my favorite crafting podcast, watching Showbiz Tonight in the background on Mute on this ginormous flat screen TV, nibbling on some tasty munchies from Bristol Farms while reading bits and pieces of a fun new book in between it all.

Who says you can't get a million things done while curling up under the sheets?

December 03, 2008

Now If You Will Excuse Me, I'm Going to Roll Myself to Bed

I'm in LA until Friday for work, and as such I scheduled in a quickie visit with my old roommate Fredo who lives out in Hollywood. As my plane was touching down at LAX I got a text that said "Making rezzies at restaurant in Beverly Hills for tonight" and as soon as I got over my initial "I have nothing to wear" anxiety, I thought we might actually have a damn good time. Fredo is one of my favorite people from back when I lived in Los Angeles and whenever we get together hilarity ALWAYS ensues. And to no one's surprise we had such a fun time!

Can I tell you how fun?

Actually, you know, now that I think about it, I think that only a list will do this evening justice. So without further ado, please enjoy:

The list of things that (I swear only) two of us consumed at the restaurant Crustacean this evening:

Lemon, Grapefruit and Rosemary Martinis
Extra Dirty Martini
Lavendar Cosmopolitan
Iron Horse Chardonnay
Lobster Lollipops
Salt and Pepper Calamari
Yellowtail Sashimi
Garlic Noodles
Chilean Sea Bass
Porcini Crusted Chicken in Black Truffle Peppercorn Sauce
Molten Chocolate Cake with Vanilla Ice Cream
Coconut Cake

I did a rough calculation and I am pretty sure that tonight's dinner contained oh, about ninety bajillion calories, which you know, is no big deal since it's the holidays and I'm really keeping it light this time of year (Right).

I think that translates to like THE REST OF MY GOD GIVEN LIFE on the StairMaster.

But, damn, it was all so good it might have been worth it!

December 02, 2008

To My Disapointment, Christopher Cross Did Not Make An Appearance

So I realized I never told you all how sailing was -- and I'm delighted to report that it was TOTALLY AWESOME!

On the ride down, all the girls in my department were just goofing around and having fun (I love these ladies -- they make my job fun!)

When we got there the weather was absolutely perfect -- sunny skies, a light breeze, and calm water.

I crossed my fingers, climbed aboard, and prayed that the Bonine would work it's magic...and it did! I was happy as a clam all day, and didn't feel seasick even once!

We hit a few waves in passing other boats, but we took them all in stride...nothing scary about it -- just like ridin' a rollercoaster!

We had some sandwiches around lunchtime which were delicious and it was so peaceful on the water -- although when you are on a sailboat using both hands for your sandwich, you have to come up with a creative way for holding your drink.

Thank god for lifejackets! Though not fashionable at all -- they save lives! and hold iced tea!

Overall we had so much fun. My coworker Ellen and I took over the front of the boat for a while and the view was FANTASTIC! I got so comfortable up there I almost wanted to do a swashbuckling pirate jig when other boats passed by. (Oh, fear not, I realized that this was a professional excursion for my job and refrained from any and all pirate antics! But I was tempted, let me tell you...)

Unfortunately, being the Forgetful Fran that I am, I forgot to charge my camera battery the night before (oops!)and it died right as we got close to the Golden Gate Bridge (naturally). This was best picture I took, but it was so much more beautiful in real life!

If you ever have the chance to take a sail out on the bay I would HIGHLY recommend it. I had so much more fun than I thought I would (which I'm sure had ALOT to do with the weather) and the company was fantastic...way better than a day at work, we all agreed.

And if nothing else, I got to snap this picture -- which I found amusing because it was in a stall in the Men's Public Bathroom!?!?!

Why was I in the Men's Public Restroom at the Marina, you ask? Well Shiver Me Timbers, If I told you, I'd have to send you down to Davy Jones Locker!
