
May 31, 2011

2011 Goals -- Mid Year Check In

I know mid year wouldn't technically be until the end of June but who wants to get technical anyway?  I've made a lot of progress in some areas and just about none in others.  It will be nice to have a little direction moving into the second half of the year.   

Lose 50 more lbs *I've lost about 80 total, not too shabby.
Run another 5K (under 35 minutes)  *I've slowed down on all my running endeavors -- the back story is here.  But I am still going to run a bit more before the year is out.  
Run a10K
Do 10 Non-Girl Push ups *Man, I can still only do about 2.  Come on upper body! 
Continue Paleo Cooking/Eating *Yep, and still loving it
Sleep 8 Hours Per Night    *I'm doing this 95% of the time

Visit all of the following places:
Austin  *Planning on it for The Blathering in October!
New Mexico *Done!  And it was a blast!

Merge finances with Garrett
Add to Savings
Open Roth IRA
Rollover old Retirement Account
Make financial life more automated  *And I'm pretty much failing this whole category.

Home Improvement
Re-do Guest Bedroom
Paint Kitchen Cabinets
Paint Living Room, Office
Re-do Master Bedroom   *Failing this category too.

Random Other Stuff Thrown In For Good Measure
Find a good red lipstick   *No surprises, Chanel Glossimer (Spark) is still my fave.
Buy a pair of boots
Make a Cooking Bucket List  (done!)
Read 50 books  *Holy hell I've already read 37
Start Fertility Charting *Yep
Entertain at least once a month (January:  New Year's Brunch with Kelly + Gee, February: No one - but two in March counts, right?  March:  John + Janine, Jeremy + Katie April:  No one  May:  Garrett's 30th Bday)  *Pretty good on this one, I think.
Write somewhere daily *Yep, and how awesome it has been!
See one of my favorite writers speak *Planning on trying to swing David Sedaris in November
Go to the ballet
Wine Taste in Amador

All in all, I am feeling pretty good with my progress at the halfway point. Health and Random Stuff are definitely earning A's.  I'd give Travel a good solid B-.  Finances is currently getting an F but mostly I'm just being lazy about that.  Home Improvement is definitely getting an F but this should not come as a surprise to you.  We'll see what happens.    

Looking forward to checking items off this list along with my Summer Bucket List and maybe a few things off of my Cooking Bucket List

I better stop typing and get busy!



  1. love your list. i started a 40 before 40 list and your list has totally inspired me. i think i only have 6 things on my list so far! :(

  2. I demand a heads up when you come to Boston.


I just knew you would have something to add!