
January 05, 2010

Retail Resolutions

So along with some of the goals I have set out to accomplish this year, I also made a list of some more fun things such as -- Big Ticket Items I Want To Buy This Year (which to me constitutes things that are over $200 dollars).  This list was very fun to make and pretty much flowed right onto the paper as soon as I picked up the pen.  Shocker, I know.  But I tried to be reasonable and make a list that makes sense but I also threw in a nice-to-have or two.  So I thought I'd share, since this is much more exciting than some of my other 2010 resolutions.

Big Ticket Items I Want To Buy
  • A Kitchen Aid Stand Mixer - I shouldn't have to convince you why I want this, but what has been holding me back is in what color?  It's a pricey purchase, and one I anticipate having for a long time so I want to make sure I get just the right one.  Frankly, I want this one but it is only sold at Macys and it doesn't really go with our kitchen at the moment -- but seriously, nothing goes with our kitchen -- it needs updating and come on we have a Harvest Gold Appliances people, nothing is going to really "go".  But someday we will update our kitchen, and that mixer will go beautifully in my dream kitchen, I'm sure of it.  Right now, at least.  But what if I change my mind?  The practical part of my brain tells me to go with the Silver one from Costco.  It's cheaper, and possibly less "bold" down the road.  Also I have gift cards for Costco so there's that.  But Robin's Egg Blue???  Want. Want. Want.  And besides if I listened to my rational brain more often, I never would have spent $400 on a pair of hot pink sunglasses 5 years ago.  People thought I was nuts but to this day those are still one of my favorite purchases, so there is something to be said for a little whimsy every once in a while.  Anyway this year, I will decide if it kills me because I need that mixer in my kitchen.

  • A Digital SLR -- This is another one of those "It's about time" purchases.  It's time I graduate from my playskool camera, you know?  I know it's the cliche item to purchase when you have kids, but I'm getting to the point where, even though I don't have rugrats, my point and shoot is frustrating me with its limitations.  I'm a control freak, and it should come as no surprise that I want to plop down $600 (plus new lenses!) to have more control over my pictures.  But ohmygod, even though I have been doing entry level research for about a year so and don't feel quite so overwhelmed anymore, because it's such a crazy purchase I want to get the exact right one, you know? Mike,  you know I'm going to come barking up your tree when I get this all figured out, right?

  • A Vitamix -- DUUUUUDE --  it blends, it makes juice, it makes soup (that is actually hot!), it makes ice cream -- it's like a frumdrillion appliances in one.  And I want it.  And I've wanted it for a while, but this purchase is the definition of nice-to-have and not need-to-have.   Plus it's huge and our kitchen storage is limited, but I think I'm going to make it happen this year anyway because I'm stubborn like that, and having kale in my smoothies excites me, okay?   

  • A Car -- Ha!  That sounds so simple doesn't it?  Just go out and buy a car.  BAHAHAHAHAHA.  I've been car shopping for two and half years, if you can believe that, and still, no new car.  Why is that, you ask?  Well it's a fun little story.  A giant, irresponsible ass-clown hit my very cute and very-almost-paid-for Honda Civic almost three years ago and obviously I was (and still am a bit) pissed.  Note to self:  Let it go.  But seriously, A paid for car!  Oh, the excitement!  And I loved that car, it had low mileage, and it got me everywhere I wanted to go.  Luckily (and this is some crazy fate, people) the month before my car was totaled, Garrett's grandma had given him her 1991 Toyota Cressida...with 50,000 miles on it.  I want you to wrap your brain around an almost 20 year old car with 50,000 miles on it.  Grandmas, man.  Gotta love it!  So I started driving that car since Garrett already had a car he LOOOOOVED (which ohmyheck is a story for another day - men and their cars -- even when they are 10 years old! Sheesh!) so it all worked out just fine.  And I'm still driving it to this day, and honestly, I kind of love it.  I mean it has features that my old civic didn't have (leather seats, sunroof,  my iPod plugs in just fine) but it is also a little bit of a labor of love.  Funny things happen to old cars that end up being millions of dollars at a moments notice, right?  And although I would like to be driving something a little more glamorous, the fact that it is free sort of makes up for all of that but the bigger issue is the convenience factor of having a car that has problems.  And that is something Garrett and I are ready NOT to have anymore (in at least one car)  So I need to get something.  But what?  I want something with good gas mileage, that is eco-friendly, and has lots of cargo room -- but I'm not dying for an SUV.  I love a small car.  I was leaning towards the Honda Fit for a while, but they are pricey for what you get, and I could get something used that is a lot bigger for the same amount of money.  Oh, the decisions (and the money, OMG!)  So this is another purchase I'm going to tackle this year.  Cross your fingers for me.  

So, tell me, what's on your wishlist?   

1 comment:

  1. Haha, you named most of my wish list. I'm hoping to get a Nikon D-90 as soon as my tax money rolls through. I've been lusting long enough.

    And a Kitchenaid mixer is like the GOD of all kitchen appliances, isn't it? WANT.

    And yeah, I'd like to replace our shitty car with a new one. Stat.


I just knew you would have something to add!