
January 04, 2010

Bring it!

Well hello there, it's been ages, hasn't it?

I spent the last two weeks of the year taking a good old break from everyday life and of course the constant demands of the internet -- I didn't blog, I rarely updated twitter or facebook, and I hardly spent more than 10 minutes at a time on my computer.  And you know what?  I lived to tell about it!  Sometimes I feel pressured to keep up with all the updates, blogging, tweeting, status updating, ohmygosh what is going on out on the interwebz -- but then I realize that everyone needs a little break some times and that's okay -- and those of you who still hang around when I'm not constantly connected are true gems!

I had a wonderful, relaxing holiday, why thank you for asking!  I took vacation a few days before Christmas and spent a few days making homemade tamales with my mom, aunt, and grandma.  Plenty of laughs were shared, stories told, and of course the end result was a fabulously successful Christmas dinner, which is always nice.  I spent the day before Christmas preparing some holiday dishes that included a few breakfast casseroles, some cocktails, and a refreshing berry cobbler that we ate smothered in vanilla ice cream on Christmas night that was just right after a long day of indulging!

New Year was also relaxing and kind of a laugh.  We headed out of town up to Chico for a "night out" with my cousin Jim and his girlfriend Gina, only to eschew the actual going out part at about 10pm on New Year's Eve in favor of putting on our comfy clothes, finishing eating all of our fabulous appetizers, and watching Ryan Seacrest ring in the new year while doing a puzzle (hi -- we're old! But damn we had fun!)  Alot of times I feel so much pressure to do something super extreme to mark the passing of time, and you know what?  This year, sitting around a coffee table with silly music on in the background, reliable shows on the tv, and GREAT conversation everywhere, I had one of the most memorable nights that I have had in a while.  It was nice to spend time alone with Jim and Gina to catch up on life, talk about the best parts of 2009 and discuss our wishes for 2010 -- which were remarkably similar!  There is just something special about good food, a bit of a champagne haze, and honest conversation that beats a fancy dinner and drinks at a bar every time. 

Today I am happy to be getting back to life and back to routine.  I'm happy to be getting back to blogging.  I'm excited that there is a whole new year out in front of me that I can spend accomplishing things.  I'm excited to be moving forward after a few weeks of just sitting still. I came up with a bajillion goals and plans and dreams and can't wait to start working on them (6 pages, if you must know, feel free to call me psycho!)  I am 100% a resolution type of girl, even though I know the hip thing is to say they are dumb.  I can't turn it off -- I've always been a goal setter.  I was raised by a professional athlete, people, goals and discipline were a part of my life even before I ever really embraced it.  Now as an adult I love having that knowing deep inside (from a lifetime worth of empirical testing) that if I set a goal and make a plan, it WILL get done. So the beginning of the year is a clean slate!  It's empowering and I always feel excited with potential -- I'm flexible too, though.  I know sometimes things don't get done, so for me I feel excited to look at those goals that did not get met last year and either make a better plan for it, or put it down to the bottom of the priority list and be okay with that. 

This year I feel exceptionally excited, I think, because last year I did not make any hard and fast goals in January.  2008 was a very accomplished year for me and I remember starting 2009 feeling really -- well, exhausted.  My only goal at the beginning of the year was to settle down and settle in really.  I just wanted to get back to being nicer to myself, relaxing a bit, and pondering.  Of course I made other goals throughout the year, but the overlying agenda was just the chill the heck out.  And  I think in those ways 2009 was a big success!  But it also left me a bit thirsty for structure, you know?   So now I am rested and refreshed and ready to take on everything I want for myself. 

2010 -- I'm ready for you to bring it! 

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I just knew you would have something to add!