I'm heading to Chico this weekend for a wedding -- my 3rd wedding this month, can you can believe it?!? September has clearly been a month for holy matrimony. I keep joking with Garrett that with all these weddings we just need to elope! But unfortunately he's not buying it. I'll be up there until Sunday and then I'm coming home to pack again -- this time, however, I am packing up my cute little apartment that I have lived in for 4 years (with a roommate who I have lived with for 6 years!), and moving to my own cute little bachelorette pad. I'm incredibly excited but that feeling is also intermixed with the OMG-I-Have-So-Much-Shit-To-Do feeling. You know it, right?
I get the keys to my new apartment Wednesday, which is fabulous. I've been scouring design web pages and catalogs and magazines and basically making all these fun plans for a cute little space. But in exactly 2 weeks I am also throwing a big party in honor of my 30th birthday.
I know, I get a big fat F for timing. Again with the simultaneous excitement and the OMG feeling.
So with weddings, apartments, and parties (Oh My!) filling up the next couple weeks I might be running around like a bat out of hell, but I'm so excited about starting a new chapter -- with not only my living space, but my 30s -- that it just about makes it all worthwhile!
Wish me luck!
September 26, 2008
September 23, 2008
A More Accurate Title, In My Opinion, Would Be 30 Day Dead

Quick Question.
Have you heard about 30 Day Shred? Apparently I am like the last person on Earth to hear about this Best! Workout! DVD! Ever! so if you have experienced the body-numbing pain that this DVD will inflict on you, then feel free to just stop reading right now. However, if you haven't heard about it, you might want to check out these few little blurbs:
I read about it first here and then saw it mentioned again here and when I heard about all the armpit muscles you will get here I thought, hell for $14.99 I need to pick this thing up!
It's trainer Jillian Michaels from The Biggest Loser, which I don't actually watch except for the occasional night in which I have nothing to do and have driven through Taco Bell for dinner and then come home and plopped down on the couch -- Yeah, it always seems to be on the TV right at that exact time. Jerks. But anyway, apparently she is real ass kicker on that show? I dunno.
What I do know, however, is that I busted this baby out yesterday thinking "Oh, pish-tosh, a 20 minute workout -- I will breeze right through this." And then exactly 13 minutes later I was swearing and hollering insults at the TV and sweating like an absolute hog.
Pretty visual, no?
And this morning -- that screaming and hollering of insults? Yeah, I've been on the receiving end of that from my quads, and hamstrings, and abs. I guess I'm just sorely out of shape!
So anyway, if you are looking to spend more time doing really rewarding things like cursing, sweating, and yelling at inanimate objects -- then you should definitely pick this up (I purchased mine at Target). But when you are done, perhaps give me a call, so like maybe we can hang out and um...expand our list of hobbies or something?
You know, if you have time.
September 19, 2008
Confessions of Teenage Drama Show Lover
Ok, ok I admit -- I kind of have a hot crush on Penn Badgley from Gossip Girl.
So sue me.
The first I ever heard of him was when my mother called me frantically to say "Oh my god, Holly, turn on Gossip Girl because one of the characters looks like Garrett!" To which I promptly rolled my eyes, said "Yeah, sure he does mom, whatever" and I went on happily ignoring the show the entire season.
And then this Summer, clearly during a time of weakness, I happened to catch an episode and I thought to myself--- Fine, I can check out this horribly scandalous teenage drama show out just to do my own scientific research. Which left me only two real options -- See if this horribly vapid actor would indeed look like Garrett? (Which then begged the question, would I find him attractive?) Or be an adult and turn off this glossy, innuendo-laden trash television off and flip it back to CNN.
If you had to wonder about my decision, then you truly do not know me at all! I've always had a passion for research!
So ahem, the scientific evidence:
Exhibit A: Garrett
(I hope you all know, by the way, that he is totally going to kill me for this. But I have rationalized it by telling myself it is noble to die for science, so I've got that going for me.)
Exhibit B: Penn Badgley
Um...so seriously I think it is no surprise that I have a little crush on this hot young stud actor, no?
(Side note: OMFG, he is like 22. ROWR! Jesus, I'm doomed to turn into a leathery old Cougar.)
But this is beside the point! The point is, and I do have one...THE POINT IS, I am no longer crushing on Penn Badgley (I hope that name is fake, by the way) solely because there is an uncanny resemblance between him and my own sweetheart.
No siree! I have recently discovered that Penn Badgley is also an accomplished orator. An orator who spoke these wise words to The Huffington Post today, thus cementing my love for him for all eternity.
Gossip Girl
September 09, 2008
Row, Row, Row Your Boat
Not sure if I mentioned, but over Labor Day Weekend Garrett and I went kayaking with my family over at the Sac State Aquatic Center and seriously folks, I might have found a new hobby. Now for anyone who has ever been witness to how awful I am at watersports (Hi Angela! Hi Kendall Family!) you may wonder why I decided to partake, and I will tell you honestly that I was a bit apprehensive. I'm a good swimmer, but just pretty awful at things related to boats and such, but it was such a hot day and everyone made it look so easy that I decided to take the plunge, and BOY am I glad I did!
For the record, I can't believe I just posted a picture of myself in a bathing suit on this blog, so let's just move right along...mmmmkay?
Anyway, it was $9 an hour to rent the kayaks and once we got in and on the move and I got the hang of rowing it was SUPER REFRESHING!

We stopped for a bit to swim a little (and seriously, swimming with a life jacket is where it's at! I dig the lazy man's water-treading! haha) Even Garrett enjoyed the water workout.

Although I think secretly it was because he was in the company of three lovely ladies...

All in all though -- it was such a great time. I would go again in a heartbeat.

And the next day I had muscles in my upper body that I didn't even know existed. Also, a major sunburn, but my own stupidity notwithstanding it was an amazing workout and one Garrett and I plan to do in the near future. Also we found out that Sac State Alums get a discount. So these smiling ex-Hornets will definitely be kayaking again soon!
For the record, I can't believe I just posted a picture of myself in a bathing suit on this blog, so let's just move right along...mmmmkay?
Anyway, it was $9 an hour to rent the kayaks and once we got in and on the move and I got the hang of rowing it was SUPER REFRESHING!
We stopped for a bit to swim a little (and seriously, swimming with a life jacket is where it's at! I dig the lazy man's water-treading! haha) Even Garrett enjoyed the water workout.
Although I think secretly it was because he was in the company of three lovely ladies...
All in all though -- it was such a great time. I would go again in a heartbeat.
And the next day I had muscles in my upper body that I didn't even know existed. Also, a major sunburn, but my own stupidity notwithstanding it was an amazing workout and one Garrett and I plan to do in the near future. Also we found out that Sac State Alums get a discount. So these smiling ex-Hornets will definitely be kayaking again soon!
September 03, 2008
Time to Pay the Piper
So with Summer ending and Fall beginning I am realizing that the year is almost over. Just a few more weeks and my 30th birthday, Thanksgiving, and Christmas are gonna hit like a 1-2 punch to the face. 2008 will be over soon and as usual I'm sure I won't know where the time went. Since I made some lofty resolutions at the beginning of the year, I'm doing a quick end of Summer check-in of where I am at with respect to some of those goals.
Daily Life
Consistently dress professionally at work (including hair, makeup, and all those details -- and even on casual Friday) This has been actually pretty easy to maintain, my boss has been all over "Professional Dress" lately.
See more movies by myself
Floss nightly
Pack lighter on trips I have totally done this consciously on numerous occasions, but you know what -- it's overrated. I ended up borrowing from other people and forgetting pertinent things in my effort to pack light.
Swear less Yeah, but "less than" a holy shitload of swearing isn't really that much now, is it?
Stretch Daily
Be more diligent and timely about Thank You Notes
Get back to my old more "creative" habits (I hate the word crafty, but basically get my craft on!) This year I have consciously chosen to focus my hobbies on things that get me 'creating' -- cooking, knitting, blogging, taking photographs, reading related stuff. It's been fun!
Organize a crafting space
Print out more of my photos
Throw out old clothes
FINALLY find a closet organization system that works
Grow an herb garden OMG -- please go out and purchase the AeroGarden. I didn't think it would work, but it TOTALLY does. Next stop, an herb garden in my yard.
Get a dog
Health and Wellness
Exercise for at least 30 minutes, 3x per week (outside as much as possible!)
Do yoga once per week
Get back to my free weight loving self
Use sunscreen more vigilantly (especially on face -- SPF make up is not enough! Do you want to look like a leather face?) I have been more committed to this. Consequently, my paleness has blinded people. Was it worth it? Undecided.
Do the Couch to 5k program
Run 5k
Go hiking (preferably with Garrett) at least once a month
Get teeth cleaned twice My new dentist is so cute!
Family and Friends
Acknowledge all birthdays at least with a phone call Ok so like 90%
Give presents and send cards on time
Host at least one party/bbq/soiree My 30th birthday is coming up -- and I will be a-hostin!
Make and send more mix CDs
Send a care package for no reason
Be a better e-mailer
Keep address book updated
Send Christmas cards with non-obnoxious update letter
Cooking and Baking
Go to Farmers Market at least once per month
Make Jam
Use crock pot more Pulled pork in the crock pot is so flippin' good!
Try Pickling peppers and veggies
Make an infused Olive Oil
Make at least one meal from one of my MANY cookbooks per week
Make chicken stock from scratch
Plan meals I have been so good at this, it's just become habit. I am stoked!
Purchase and wear apron I bought this one...and it's so cute!
Take a cooking class
Go wine tasting twice this year (even if that just means to pick up your wine club shippment and have a glass you have never tasted) Yum, good resolution!
Try at least one new restaurant per month (hello, entertainment book!)
Go out for dinner with friends at least once per month
Bake something every other week (but take to work so it doesn't sit around the house forcing me against my will to eat the whole thing) This morning I brought in brownies to work -- Frankly, I was fine keeping them at home and eating them out of the pan with the fork, but Garrett kept me honest.
Read at least 30 books
Start learning a new language
Blog about books that I read See my profile on goodreads.
Learn to knit again (see: get craft on) I did it! I learned again by taking a class, I have multiple projects in the works and some fun new knitting books! Also, I joined ravelry.com which is a great inspiration.
Blog 2-3 times per week
Make the move to typepad
Take a photography class
Purse freelance writing opportunities more diligently
Get student loans under control Score!
Continue with debt reduction plan Score!
Start saving 10%
Purchase a bookkeeping program for computer Check out www.wesabe.com
Make something for Garrett
Listen more, talk less
Plan at least 2 weekends out of town just for the two of us (not for weddings, not for holidays, not for parties) Los Angeles in July and Portland before the year is through.
Think before I speak when I'm angry
Commit his small daily gestures to memory and keep in mind during the "thinking before speaking when angry"
Go on more McKinley picnics
Fret not, I do have a multitude of career goals, though I won't be posting them here. I did, however, get into an awesome program this year at my job called Emerging Leaders which is definitely going to help me fine tune some of my long term career goals which I am really excited about. I may post a bit about that, but I'm pretty much sticking to my No Talking About Work rule.
UPDATE: Emerging Leaders has been great -- though incredibly time consuming. I have a huge presentation on September 11th that is like my culminating experience in the program so think good thoughts for me, k?
Buy a car
Buy a new computer
Buy a brown coat
Buy an SLR
Buy photoshop
Well I'm clearly FAILING in the consumption department, but you know what -- I'm okay with that. See my checked off Financial Goals because accomplishing those have cushioned the consumption blow!
All in all I feel pretty good, but there are still a few things I should really make some time for (Health and Wellness: I'm looking at you). So let's see what happens in the last few months of the year, shall we?
Daily Life
See more movies by myself
Floss nightly
Stretch Daily
Organize a crafting space
Print out more of my photos
Get a dog
Health and Wellness
Exercise for at least 30 minutes, 3x per week (outside as much as possible!)
Do yoga once per week
Get back to my free weight loving self
Do the Couch to 5k program
Run 5k
Go hiking (preferably with Garrett) at least once a month
Family and Friends
Give presents and send cards on time
Make and send more mix CDs
Send a care package for no reason
Keep address book updated
Send Christmas cards with non-obnoxious update letter
Cooking and Baking
Make Jam
Try Pickling peppers and veggies
Make an infused Olive Oil
Make chicken stock from scratch
Take a cooking class
Try at least one new restaurant per month (hello, entertainment book!)
Go out for dinner with friends at least once per month
Read at least 30 books
Start learning a new language
Blog 2-3 times per week
Make the move to typepad
Take a photography class
Purse freelance writing opportunities more diligently
Start saving 10%
Make something for Garrett
Listen more, talk less
Go on more McKinley picnics
Fret not, I do have a multitude of career goals, though I won't be posting them here. I did, however, get into an awesome program this year at my job called Emerging Leaders which is definitely going to help me fine tune some of my long term career goals which I am really excited about. I may post a bit about that, but I'm pretty much sticking to my No Talking About Work rule.
UPDATE: Emerging Leaders has been great -- though incredibly time consuming. I have a huge presentation on September 11th that is like my culminating experience in the program so think good thoughts for me, k?
Buy a car
Buy a new computer
Buy a brown coat
Buy an SLR
Buy photoshop
Well I'm clearly FAILING in the consumption department, but you know what -- I'm okay with that. See my checked off Financial Goals because accomplishing those have cushioned the consumption blow!
All in all I feel pretty good, but there are still a few things I should really make some time for (Health and Wellness: I'm looking at you). So let's see what happens in the last few months of the year, shall we?
September 02, 2008
Tomato-Sauce-Free Alternatives
So it's no surprise to anyone who knows me that I LOVE pizza. Fancy pizza, frozen pizza, take and bake pizza, cold pizza -- it doesn't matter, I will say "yes, please" every time. I have a few pizza rules -- No BBQ'd chicken, no mushrooms -- but other than that, if you can put it on a crust I'll take it!
Last night Garrett and I were tired from the weekend's festivities (I went kayaking for the first time and it ROCKED!) so we decided it was definitely a pizza night. But I was still feeling a little creative and happened to have some cheapy pre-made pizza crusts from Raley's in the fridge, so I went to town and whipped these up from a few random ingredients and HOLY MOLY were our tummies happy!

Clockwise from the top:
*Pesto, Mozzarella, Asiago, and Tomatoes
*Olive Oil, Mozzarella, Caramelized Sweet Onions, Oregano, and Feta
*Olive Oil, Mozzarella, Yellow Peppers, and Caramelized Linguica
They looked even better cooked but we devoured them before I could even grab my camera -- they were THAT good! And with the pre-made crust (which was actually rather tasty) they cooked up in 7 minutes.
Last night Garrett and I were tired from the weekend's festivities (I went kayaking for the first time and it ROCKED!) so we decided it was definitely a pizza night. But I was still feeling a little creative and happened to have some cheapy pre-made pizza crusts from Raley's in the fridge, so I went to town and whipped these up from a few random ingredients and HOLY MOLY were our tummies happy!
Clockwise from the top:
*Pesto, Mozzarella, Asiago, and Tomatoes
*Olive Oil, Mozzarella, Caramelized Sweet Onions, Oregano, and Feta
*Olive Oil, Mozzarella, Yellow Peppers, and Caramelized Linguica
They looked even better cooked but we devoured them before I could even grab my camera -- they were THAT good! And with the pre-made crust (which was actually rather tasty) they cooked up in 7 minutes.
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