I was serious when I told you the other day that I wanted to send your mom a thank you note. You laughed, but I don't think you realize the amount of gratitude I have for her.
I'd certainly thank her for introducing me to the "good kind" of Thousand Island dressing to put on Taco Salad, for passing on her old Jane Austen DVDs, for introducing me to dear old Inspector Lynley, and of course, for only ever being nice as pie to me, and never treating me like the woman trying to take away her only son. (phew!)
But far more impotant than all of those combined, I would thank her because 27 years ago today your mom began to cultivate a precious little guy who would grow up and change the course of my life, quite literally. I've met many people at my age (thank you again, by the way for reminding me this morning that I will always be the older woman -- ha!), and I have definitely come across my fair share of gentlemen, but it wasn't until I met you that I truly knew what it meant to be in love. I grew up in a loving family who was always there when I needed them, but it was only when I met you that I found the kind of love that I was really willing to work hard for.
We've been through alot together, baby. And each day when we wake up and I poke at you with my chipper morning face on, and then you say something hysterical while you are still half asleep -- I realize that all that hard work really did reap some phenomenal rewards.
Our years together have changed my life, Garrett -- and there's no better day than today to celebrate that.
Happy 27th Birthday, Cuteness! I can't wait for the next 27!

Your Hippie Dippie Girlfriend Who Loves Writing Sappy Love Letters