
2011 Goals

I'm tracking my progress on my 2011 Goals.  

Lose 50 more lbs
Run another 5K (under 35 minutes)
Run a10K

Do 10 Non-Girl Push ups
Continue Paleo Cooking/Eating
Sleep 8 Hours Per Night

Visit all of the following places:
New Mexico

Merge finances with Garrett
Add to Savings
Open Roth IRA
Rollover old Retirement Account
Make financial life more automated

Home Improvement
Re-do Guest Bedroom
Paint Kitchen Cabinets
Paint Living Room, Office
Re-do Master Bedroom   

Random Other Stuff Thrown In For Good Measure
Find a good red lipstick
Buy a pair of boots
Make a Cooking Bucket List  (done!)
Read 50 books
Start Fertility Charting 
Entertain at least once a month (January:  New Year's Brunch with Kelly + Gee, February: No one - but two in March counts, right?  March:  John + Janine, Jeremy + Katie April:  No one  May:  Garrett's 30th Bday)
Write somewhere daily
See one of my favorite writers speak
Go to the ballet
Wine Taste in Amador