
June 07, 2011

6 Easy Steps to A Fabulous Frittata

Hello, lover

It has been a bit of a Frittata Frenzy around my house lately, and frankly I am wondering why I didn't discover these easy and delicious little breakfast delicacies sooner.  Well, that isn't entirely accurate, I knew about Frittatas but they just seemed a little too chi chi for my tastes.  Also I have an irrational fear of brown eggs.  I don't know where that comes from, but there you are.  I wish someone would have tapped me on the shoulder and pointed out that IT'S JUST A CRUSTLESS EGG CASSEROLE, DUMMY!  Because then I would have known, you know?  So here, let me do that favor for you.  

*tap tap*

Frittatas have all the protein/vegetable goodness that I am always aiming to get at breakfast, but in a portable and gourmet seeming kind of way.  And let me tell you, I generally need a little gourmet to spice up my Monday mornings.  But also (and here is why they are great!) Frittatas are easy.  I'm not going to say effortless, but pretty damn close when it comes to a fancy hot breakfast.  One pan + Delicious Ingredients = A Happy Tummy.  It's math, my friends.  And rarely can you argue with math, right?

So, shall we talk about steps? 

Step One:  Cook up meat of your choice in a 12 inch oven safe skillet.  (Most generic non stick pans are oven safe up to at least 350 degrees, that's why I cook this at 325 degrees -- BOOYAH!  No fancy cookware needed.)

Meat Ideas:  Bacon goes without saying.  Sausage is always good.  Ground beef works well depending on the vegetables you add.  Frittatas even help me enjoy ham (pictured above), which I otherwise detest.  They make miracles happen, clearly!

Step Two:  Saute onions with your choice of base vegetables in the meat renderings (Bacon, obvs is a favorite!)

Combos I particularly enjoy:  Onions and Peppers, Onions and Broccoli Slaw (Tell me you enjoy pre-packaged broccoli slaw in your kitchen?  It is awesome for quick easy cooking), Onions and Zucchini -- The combos are ENDLESS.  It's like pizza for breakfast, only healthy!

Step Three:  Add Salt, Pepper + Seasoning to compliment your vegetable choice.  This is what gives your Frittata its depth of flavor.  Get experimental here, it's pretty fun!

Combos I particularly enjoy:  Onions and Peppers with Taco Seasoning, Onions and Broccoli Slaw with Herbs de Provence.  Onions and Zucchini with Italian Seasoning.  Easy Peasy!

Step Four:  Pour 8-10 whisked eggs (depending on size -- I usually use 8 Extra Large Eggs) over your magnificent mixture and move it all around so it allows the egg to penetrate to the bottom of the pan, and let it set for a minute or two.  (This makes the bottom of your frittata more stable so it comes out all in one piece when you slice it.)

Step Five:  Add any additional Mix Ins.  What do I mean by mix ins?  Anything you want in the Frittata that doesn't need to be sauteed.  

Good Mix Ins: Diced Tomatoes, Cheese, Vegetables you want crunchy, fresh herbs  

Step Six:  Bake in a 325 degree oven (remember this from Step One) for 25 minutes.  

Obviously the step where I tell you to "Enjoy!" is implied, ok?  I don't want anyone to get overwhelmed and 7 Steps was my personal tipping point.

Here are some Frittata Combos I have thoroughly enjoyed:

*Ground Beef, Onions, Green Chilis from a can (classy!), Taco Seasoning, Cheddar, Tomatoes
*Ham, Onions, Red Bell Peppers, Broccoli Slaw, Herbs de Provence, Cheddar (Pictured Above - and also the one I'm currently OBSESSED with)
*Bacon, Onions, Tomatoes, Cheddar (served with shredded Romaine in Italian Dressing on top)
*Bacon, Onions, Zuchini, Italian Seasoning, Parmesan

Are you a Frittata Fan?  What combos have you invented?


  1. That looks delicious. I think I'll make one for dinner tonight--thanks for the suggestion!

  2. Sounds Delian, thanks for all the options.

  3. Sounds Delian, thanks for all the options.

  4. iPad screwed up, sounds delicious.

  5. iPad screwed up, sounds delicious.

  6. I love fritattas, but have always been to nervous to make one. For some reason, I'm sure it won't come out. I might have to actually try it.

  7. Girl, you read my mind. I have frittata on the menu plan for tomorrow night and have never made one. I'm going for a mexi-vibe with beef, peppers, green onions and spice. This helps so much!



I just knew you would have something to add!