I put together a little BBQ on Saturday night that started out as an intimate evening with family and a few friends. We were celebrating the fact that Garrett was turning 30 and what better way to do that than with some hot dogs and beers and a cigar bar for the boys, right?
By the end of the evening, however, there was a lot of this going on:
I hadn't even realized what a good dance floor our patio made. But once I did there was no stopping me. And there was a lot more of this:
I think it is safe to say a good time was had by all.
I started out in a cute party dress but the weather didn't cooperate so eventually I ended up in capris and a sweatshirt. The latter outfit ended up being way better for shaking your booty to Snoop Dogg though.
I have lots of things to say about the night: how I have some of the nicest and most considerate friends on the planet, how I really feel about party planning (OMG!), and about HOW RAD MY WHOLE FAMILY IS, but I am about to go throw my 11th load of laundry in the washer and the plumber is going to be here any minute to fix our kitchen sink and guest bathroom toilet, so ya know -- real life is calling.
In the end though, Garrett had a fantastic time! Since that was the overall goal, I feel pretty happy about things. The only thing I am bummed about was that I wanted at least one picture of us together looking happy in our cute outfits to commemorate this birthday milestone. When all was said and done, there was only this:
But damn if we were happy as clams at high tide in this picture. See also: maybe a little tipsy. But frankly that too is worth commemorating.
*Apologies if you now have a Rebecca Black Earworm
I am digging it. I see too few partyin' posts and I celebrate your ass shakin'!
ReplyDeleteI have so much to say but no time!! I have been following your blog for a while now and LOVE it. If you haven't read it, please add The Non-Runners Guide to Marathon Training for Women to your list. She's as funny as you are and I think you'll enjoy it.