A. Age: 32. Holy smokes, is that right? OY!
B. Bed size: Queen. Our bedroom won't fit a bigger bed but I wouldn't want one anyway. King sized beds always make me feel like I'm sleeping on the other side of the room from Garrett. Obviously I feel this way because we have no kids, I reserve the right to change my mind.
C. Chore you dislike: I don't like many chores, but I am lucky in that Garrett does most of the household management. I REALLY hate dishes, but since Garrett does just about everything else I will at least do those. Well, I wash -- I make him dry. :)
D. Dogs: We don't have one but definitely want one. We've already agreed on a name: Lyndon "Bones" Jizzle.
E. Essential start to your day: Coffee + a HOT ASS shower. I do not do anything luke warm. Even if I can feel my skin drying out the entire time, the shower must be hotter than hot. It's why I buy lotion, yo.
F. Favorite color: Acid Green.
G. Gold or silver: Silver, mostly. But I can rock a little gold every once in a while.
H. Height: 5'10 in flats. This is why I don't really wear heels much anymore.
I. Instruments you play(ed): I have no musical skills whatsoever. I "played" the violin for months without ever knowing how to read music in Elementary School. I was a total rock start, I assure you.
J. Job title: Senior Commercial Underwriter. It sounds a lot more exciting that it probably is in real life.
K. Kids: Yes please. Sooner, rather than later. Not that we'll be getting knocked up tomorrow or anything, but you know -- if it happens....
L. Live: Sacramento, CA for now.
M. Mom’s name: Sharon
N. Nicknames: My last name is Woodcock. I've had A LOT of nicknames.
O. Overnight hospital stays: None that I can remember.
P. Pet peeves: People who try and make themselves sound more interesting or erudite by listing things they hate.
Q. Quote from a movie: "Melrose Place was a really good show."
R. Righty or lefty: Righty!
S. Siblings: None. I'm a lonely only. Except I'm not lonely! Remember all those cousins I have who are my age? It's like the best of both worlds.
T. Time you wake up: 5 am on weekdays, 7 ish on weekends. But I go to bed suuuuper early. Like Nursing Home early. I love my sleep!
U. Underwear: Yes, I wear them. And I'm not the type of person who is interested in talking about my underwear with the internet thankyouverymuch. Oh wait, would you look at that, I guess I am. Huh.
V. Vegetables you don't like: mushrooms. Just not really a fan.
W. What makes you run late: The fact that I get up early. I know, you think I'm nuts but it's true. I used to have to be at work at 8 but would get up at 5, remember? That's a lot of time to get sidetracked watching Real Housewives or making chili or whatever. I just lose track of time and start projects that take longer than I anticipate.
X. X-rays you’ve had: Many X-rays of my chest and sinus cavity to discover what the hell was causing my persistent cough and severe allergies. Turns out switching to a Paleo diet made all my symptoms go away. Sweet!
Y. Yummy food you make: I make some sweet ass Artichoke Parmesan Dip. Remind me to give you the recipe sometime.
Z. Zoo animal favorites: Zoos are depressing, just like circuses. UGH!
*Idea unoriginally and shamelessly stolen from Ashley at NeverHomeMaker
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