
January 27, 2011

Good Reads

Some stuff from around the web that I think is interesting:

How To Keep Facebook From Humiliating You Today
I mean, it can't hurt to read it, right?

Yes.  Just Yes.  The Question.  The Answer.  The point this raises.  Yes. 

Food for thought about needing less and living more.

My Tree & Me
How cute are these Custom Family Trees?

Free Online Tools For Tracking Your Goals
This one is pretty self explanatory, yes?

Janet Fitch's 10 Rules for Writers
I love this article and think about it a lot.  I don't practice these things as much as I should, but some of these are just so lovely.

Give Me Something To Read
Are you really bored at work?  Click here. 

I have no idea from where I found most of these links since I generally just bookmark them for later (the first is from Not Martha this morning though, so there's that).  If you recognize one that I probably got from you -- Hey, Thanks!


  1. I really need to start using one of those financial goal trackers. Hmm. Do you use any?

    Also, I THOUGHT I had put you in my RSS reader but I guess I didn't (?) so now I have a bunch to catch up on over here!

  2. These are fantastic links! I just ordered one of the money books!

    I am really enjoying your blog!


I just knew you would have something to add!