
July 01, 2010

On My Nightstand, On-Deck, and In-the-Queue

As a kid I used to love Summer Reading Lists.  I was also a fan of telling myself that one day I would read every book in the library, and would continually overwhelm myself by acquiring more books than I could read at one time just because the anticipation was exciting.  As an adult I am really no different.  (Book Party...what what?) In fact my love for books has only increased over the years, and despite the fact that I am an incredibly slow reader, I rarely find myself not wrapped up in some kind of good story.  Actually as I was running out the door this morning I was frantically looking for my book, as I usually am, and Garrett said to me, "You aren't even going to have time to read today -- why do you need your book with you?"  And no doubt it is because reading is my security blanket.  I like to know that I have access to a book at anytime.  On the off chance I don't have a book, I'm not picky -- I will read magazines, on-line articles, backs of cereal boxes, instruction manuals (wait, nope, I draw the line at instructions manuals) but you get the idea.  I just love the act of reading and prioritize it pretty highly in my life all year round.  And there is just something about summer + reading that is just such a delightful combination.   So here are the books that are currently on my nightstand, will shortly be on my nightstand, and books that I am hotly anticipating:

On My Nightstand

I'm not going to lie I count this book as a guilty pleasure.  Something about this book (probably the fact that Pat Conroy wrote The Prince of Tides which ended up having Barbara Streisand all up in it) makes me feel like it is a little bit of an old lady book, but I am kind of loving it right now.  It is all about Charleston, South Carolina and it is just full of delicious description.  I know it's a little overwritten and over the top, but that is also what makes it awesome.   Plus I am a sucker for any story with themes about Southern Society, Racial Tension, Secrets and Lies...and boy is this full of them!  I wouldn't run out and purchase it, but I got it from the library and so far it has been a quick read.

Yes, I'm totally STILL reading this, but I feel like because it is non-fiction I can intersperse other books in between its beginning and end.  It is a really fascinating look at the history of domesticity, when we started heading away from prioritizing "the home" and why, and a very interesting discussion on what the costs/benefits of domesticity are today.  It definitely is a Pro-Homemaking-Movement type of book, so if that type of stuff is not interesting to you, probably skip this one. But I find that I even though I work outside the home and really enjoy it, that Hayes makes a great case for giving it all up and just living a simple, peaceful life.  It's pretty inspiring. 

On Deck

Well I have about 20 books on deck, but the ones that are due back at the library most immediately are as follows:

I heard about Sophia Hannah in one of those Marketing emails that Amazon always sends out that I hardly ever pay attention to.  It had the subject line "If you liked Tana French..."  and let me tell you, I did like Tana French, so I opened it.  The plot summaries for many of her thrillers sound mysterious and interesting, and even though I usually prefer lighter stuff in the summer I immediately checked my library and these two books were available, so they are next on my list. 

In The Queue

So like I said, I have a bazillion books on hold at the library and many sitting in my bedroom but here are a few that I am excited to crack open when the time comes.

*A couple of Financial Philosophy books*

*Memoirs...cuz this girl LOVES a good memoir (especially humorous ones)*


And if you want to know a really *Dirty Secret* I am probably going to keep it real and tear through a couple of James Patterson paperbacks too.  I know they are garbage, but sometimes you just need a good mindless and dark thriller, you know? Just as I appreciate the highbrow on occasion, I also love the trash!  :) 

Speaking of dark, I read a really interesting interview with Bret Easton Ellis recently that made me want to make my way through some of his books again, but those may be a little too dark for summer.  Garrett still contends that American Psycho is his favorite book (not sure what I think about that, ha!) and I have yet to read that one for fear that the violence will be a turn off, so maybe I will wait for a freezing cold day in winter to start something that depressing. 

Anyway, that's all that's going on in this neck of the woods.  What's on your nightstand?

1 comment:

  1. I was JUST in the process of choosing my next book (I just finished To The Hilt by Dick Francis, whom I love) and decided to pick up The Wrong Mother by Sophie Hannah.

    I've had it on my shelf for a while but now I'm going to read it. You inspired me!


I just knew you would have something to add!