
May 20, 2010

Beauty Pressure

A while back, one of my favorite bloggy peeps Amy over at Just a Titch invited me to a fun and girly yoga party that was sponsored by Dove.  I love Dove products, truly, so obviously I was excited.  Pretty much everything they make smells delicious and works wonderfully, and back in the day even before they had fancy scented stuff, their plain old white soap was the only bar soap I had ever used that didn't leave me feeling like I was covered in soap scum.  Needless to say, I'm a fan and was stoked to be invited!  Although the day of the party I felt awful and was probably the worst yoga student EVER, it was a very nice event and really stuck in my mind what a great company Dove is to sponsor events like that for local bloggers.  

And so today, when I ran across this, I just had to post it because really, how can you not love Dove when they spend Marketing Money on things like this?


  1. I know this isn't fair and I kind of hate myself for thinking/saying it, but when I see things like this I become rather relieved I have a boy.

    The pressure. It's heartbreaking.

  2. Awesome blog you have heere


I just knew you would have something to add!