
March 24, 2010

Spring Fever!

The problem with living in Sacramento is that the second it gets even a little bit warm, I want to be by the water, soaking up the sun with a great book in hand, and well -- the Sacramento River just doesn't really do it for me.  I mean, sure it's fun to raft down in a moment of excrutiating heat and desperation, but I prefer the ocean! the beach! the sand! icy cold beverages!  Why does coastal living in California have to cost an arm and a leg (and then your firstborn! yikes!) 

I'm already dreaming about the weekend -- customary for a Wednesday, I'll have you know -- and although I don't think we'll be headed to the beach, we may head up to Oroville and do our favorite hike up to Feather Falls because at least if we aren't going to get to see the ocean, this is a nice substitute:

I am also woefully behind on my bookclub reading, so I best make some time to do that this weekend as well. 

What are you fantasizing about doing this weekend.  Do tell -- it makes the week go by faster, I promise!


  1. My weekend at the coast fantasies just kicked in today, as well! Wednesdays will do that to a girl. Enjoy your hike! There may be one in my future on Saturday IF (and only IF) my husband picks one that has an elevation that doesn't make me want to ride my miniature schnauzer to the top (the hikers with their walking sticks and serious hiker faces will stare.).

  2. Oh I'm envious - my dream one day is to live near the coast so I can enjoy the ocean! Sadly we're still dealing with cold, icky weather here in the midwest...UGH! But I'm looking forward to having friends visit this weekend :) Enjoy your hike!

  3. Why settle for the Sacramento River when you've got the American just around the bend?!


I just knew you would have something to add!