My Christmas gift to myself was a subscription to The New Yorker and although I absolutely love that magazine, I haven't actually gotten into the rhythm of reading something that comes every week seeing as it has been years since I've had such a regular subscription -- and if we are being totally honest it was US Weekly, and I think we can all agree the word to picture ratio in that particular magazine is probably exactly transposed in comparison.
Anyway, the point is I am waaaaay behind on my reading, but this weekend I came across this article in the Jan 4th issue profiling Whole Foods CEO John Mackey and thought it was a really fascinating read. I know it is kind of long but it is totally worth it! I found all the Scandal! Drama! Spirituality! Veganism vs. Capitalism! far more interesting than I had initially thought. Now granted, I am currently involved in a torrid love affair with Whole Foods, but I think it would be pretty entertaining to anyone who thinks about food and loves a good soap opera-esque human interest story.
Hell, maybe The New Yorker and US Weekly aren't so different after all.
I have yet to visit a Whole Foods. Apparently, they don't cater to middle-of-the-woods Vermont towns or Mormon Idaho towns. But I hear it is AMAZING!