
July 28, 2009

Unplugging Update

Well last week's Inaugural Unplugging was such a great success that Garrett and I have been looking forward to tonight for pretty much a week straight. I have to admit that on my drive home last week I had a little bit of anxiety. I stayed at work to get a few extra things done on-line (cheating a little bit, I suppose) and when I got home, my first thought was CRAP! This house is quiet.

I decided to remedy that quick by popping in a CD that I had been listening to in bits and pieces on my way to and from places, and it was remarkable what a different experience it was just listening to the whole album in its entirety. I miss that kind of thing. Sometimes it feels like I can hardly find the time breathe, let alone sit down and appreciate an entire album, but I guess that's the whole point, right? It was kind of exciting to know that there are many more Unplugged Nights to come. It made me a little giddy to revisit some old albums and discover some new.

Which then made me think of all of the other things I could/should/would be able to do on these Unplugged Nights and so of course I just starting spouting ideas out to Garrett and got up to go start making a list to which he basically said, "Whoa, whoa, whoa...there are no lists in this little experiment."


No Lists.

Just Taking Time For Myself.

Not Wasting Time With Computers/Phones/DVDs.

UN-Complicating My Life.



(This I assure you does NOT come natural to me.)

So of course we did the usual cook dinner, eat, and talk about our day business, but then we started talking about a new book I was going to start reading but just couldn't motivate myself to pick up, and Garrett suggested that I start reading it out loud. Reason #675 Why I Love This Man. So we read the book together for about an hour and a half and then conked out about 9:30.

Can I recommend Unplugging if only to allow yourself to get a really fantastic and restful night of sleep?

I woke up feeling great on Wednesday and was sort of sad that things were going to go back to Business as Usual that evening. I'm looking forward to seeing how things unfold tonight!

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I just knew you would have something to add!