
September 26, 2008

A Full Plate

I'm heading to Chico this weekend for a wedding -- my 3rd wedding this month, can you can believe it?!? September has clearly been a month for holy matrimony. I keep joking with Garrett that with all these weddings we just need to elope! But unfortunately he's not buying it. I'll be up there until Sunday and then I'm coming home to pack again -- this time, however, I am packing up my cute little apartment that I have lived in for 4 years (with a roommate who I have lived with for 6 years!), and moving to my own cute little bachelorette pad. I'm incredibly excited but that feeling is also intermixed with the OMG-I-Have-So-Much-Shit-To-Do feeling. You know it, right?

I get the keys to my new apartment Wednesday, which is fabulous. I've been scouring design web pages and catalogs and magazines and basically making all these fun plans for a cute little space. But in exactly 2 weeks I am also throwing a big party in honor of my 30th birthday.

I know, I get a big fat F for timing. Again with the simultaneous excitement and the OMG feeling.

So with weddings, apartments, and parties (Oh My!) filling up the next couple weeks I might be running around like a bat out of hell, but I'm so excited about starting a new chapter -- with not only my living space, but my 30s -- that it just about makes it all worthwhile!

Wish me luck!

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I just knew you would have something to add!