
July 30, 2008

"Where You At?" A Roadmap in 6 Links

So I started this blog back in 2006 and honestly had no idea what I was going to do with it. I kept it private for about 6 months and then decided to go public by letting my friends and family know it was there. Thus far it has been a great way to document my escapades, keep my peeps updated (ha! I said "peeps"), and also to reach out into the fabulous and growing internet community that, mark my words, is slowly taking over the world -- so seriously, you need to get on board!

If it's not MySpace or Facebook, everyone has some kind of online presence nowadays, whether it's some form of social media, networking, or just a love for this big bad internet, so with that in mind, I just thought I would give you all an update on what I am currently working on in this respect and a few coming attractions that you may see down the road. So besides this here bloggy-blog, here are some places that you can find me or things related to me on the web:

(click the links in bold to see my pages, specifically)

Myspace - I know, duh, right? Everyone and their mother is on MySpace, except for those of you who are all, "Hello, Facebook is where it's at! MySpace is so 5 minutes ago!" I know you folks, and you are probably right. But I'm on MySpace, and I'm lazy, and those two things do not a Facebook Profile make. My profile is Private but I am happy to be your friend. I mean, we're all friends here, right? ha! So drop me a message that you found my blog and I will happily be your friend in this crazy world that is MySpace. I mostly use it to keep in touch with family, so you might be subjected to stupid inside jokes about our get togethers, but I do update it with other stuff every once in a while, so it's got that going for it -- which is nice.

Twitter - So what the hell is Twitter? Well, Wikipedia will call it Microblogging, but the site itself breaks it down pretty simply. Twitter is the answer to the age old question, "What are you doing?" So I usually "Tweet" daily (especially if I'm on vacation) and I swear 9 times out of 10 it is all sorts of Exciting! Groundbreaking! Things! that I am doing! Well, ok maybe it's just drivel. But either way it's kind of fun, but if you don't want to set up a profile on Twitter and follow me and others, you can certainly just see my updates in the left sidebar of this blog. (I twitter under the name follow_holly)

GoodReads - So GoodReads is basically my book reviews. I'm probably going to delete my Book List 2008 from the sidebar in lieu of the GoodReads site just because the interface is easier when I update -- and plus there are pretty pictures of book covers! And I always judge a book by it's cover -- SNAP! But seriously, click on it for reviews of all the books I've been reading lately, books I have read in the past, and look forward to what I'm going to review in the future.

Flickr - Flickr is basically my favorite toy ever! I house just about all my pictures in there, so if I have had an adventure lately, you can bet my pics will be updated. Sometimes later rather than sooner -- but I always get around to it. I've been accussed of "obsessively documenting my life" so if you want to know what's going on with me, you can probably piece it together with a quick trip to Flickr long before I get around to writing about it. I'm working on this part, people! I'm working on it!

Yelp - So this is pretty much where I tell you what I think about all the places I've been. Right now it is mostly reviews of the Sacramento area but I am hoping to expand it to places where I travel. The best thing about the great state of California is that there is so much to do, so hopefully this will be a place where I can document all my opinions, and let me tell you I have some STRONG opinions, to help others out that are looking for some fun. Check them out if you are interested -- but keep in mind it is definitely a work in progress.

Amazon Wish List - This is pretty self explanatory -- want to know something good to get me? It will probably be here. This is my ode to consumption, and also my answer to my mother's frequently asked question of "What do you want for your birthday?" -- which by the way, is October 14th. But don't you worry, I accept gifts any time of year -- and I send Thank You Notes, too! Didn't my mama raise me right? :)

And last but not least, the biggest coming attraction:

I'm hoping in the next few months to set up shop. Whether it be Etsy, or CafePress, or one of the many other helpful sites out there that let you hock your own crap! My vision includes a line of prints, cards, and perhaps t-shirts. We will see how that goes though, because I have to get through Summer and some crazy deadlines at work. But if you keep an open mind, I'll keep you posted by blogging about it every step of the way!

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I just knew you would have something to add!