
July 08, 2008

Elvis Lives!

Last night Garrett and I went to see the Red Elvises over at Old Ironsides (I know, I know, another night of missed CSI: Miami re-runs, what to do?) and had such a crazy good time! I have seen a lot of live music lately, but more in the vain of sensitive rockers, or mellow indie bands, so what a refreshing surprise it was last night to see music performed by such -- well -- performers. There were times when I wasn't sure who was having more fun, the crowd or the musicians.

Wikipedia calls them a "Rockabilly Band", but when we rolled up to Old I there was a bright red van parked out front that looked a lot like this:

And really, I thought that was a more accurate description. Right to the point, ya know?

So it was definitely Kick-Ass, but rather than Rockabilly, I would say it was more of a mix of rock and roll, reggae, and wild kitschy cover tunes. With their Russian accents and god-awful rhymes at times (hey, speaking of rhyming! Check me out!) the music was as hysterical as it was powerful. The hysterical part probably had much to do with the fact that the singers were wearing silk pajama sets and gold shoes -- and I mean, check out that bass...

Anyway, such a fantastic night! Check out the Red Elvises if they come to a town near you.

I love summertime!

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I just knew you would have something to add!