Since it is the first day of Summer here in Sacramento, I think it is only appropriate that we are looking at triple digit temperatures! The heat makes me insane pretty much every year around this time, but fortunately Garrett and I are hitting the road a few times in the next couple weeks that will give us a bit of reprieve.
Next Thursday Garrett and I are going to see Fleet Foxes in San Francisco at Bottom of the Hill and I'm super excited about it. It's a cool venue that I've heard great things about, but never actually been to. It's a little nutty for us to be hitting The City on a Thursday night being as we are tried and true M-F 9-5ers, but the band is fun and what the heck -- it's Summer right? Ya gotta live a little!
The following week we are headed to Monterey for the Fourth of July. Every Summer for the last few years we have headed down to Pajaro Dunes for a fantastic week with lots of friends, fun, and sand. This year, due to scheduling issues, etc. we won't be heading down there; however, when my cousin Sara and her boyfriend Paul decided to host a 4th of July BBQ at their place in Monterey we were stoked at the opportunity to get our Coastal Fix, while also chilling out with my FANTASTIC and fun family!
The following weekend we are on the road again, this time taking a long weekend trip to Los Angeles. I surprised Garrett for his birthday in May by buying him tickets to see Wolf Parade when they play in LA at The Henry Fonda Theater but we are also just going to goof around LA. Garrett really isn't "The LA Type" but since I lived their for 5 years and haven't been back since 2003, he is excited to see my old stomping ground and have a little adventure.
The fact that we have quite the travel schedule coming up over the next few weeks makes the crazy hot weather a little bit easier to take. Hopefully I will have some fun pics and good stories to tell coming soon!
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I just knew you would have something to add!