
December 08, 2006

One's Trash is Another's Treasure

This book is totally following me around and it is kind of creepy! I feel like everywhere I go I keep hearing about it, seeing it, reading about it...It's like "Ok, Ok I'll read you already!" I definitely think the title is intriguing, and I am almost always up for an intellectual exchange about the differences in perceptions and opinions between men and women.

I finally broke down and headed to the author's website and the questions are intriguing. I mean where do we get our ideas on beauty, and why is a man's identity so fiercely intertwined in his career? I guess I'm interested in hearing what Darwin has to say about it through the lens of Michael Gilbert. Although I get slightly leery of books when the words "important" and "provocative" are stamped all over it.

Maybe this guy is a total douchebag...

Maybe Santa will bring it to me for Christmas...

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I just knew you would have something to add!