
April 02, 2010

Today I Am Grateful

Avila Beach

Today I am grateful to break my silence. 
Because even though I've been at a loss for words, my heart and head have been full of them.

Today I am grateful that I have a partner in life. 
A partner in crime if I'm being honest, and sometimes in life you just need an accomplice.

Today I am grateful that I have a choice.
Even if it sometimes it feels overwhelming to be at a crossroads.

Today I am grateful for a wonderful, fun, and supportive family.
Although we are scattered all over the state, the way we communicate always brings a smile to my face.

Today I am grateful for friends who appreciate my particular brand of crazy.
Even when I don't see them enough, their thoughts and notes lift me up when I feel down.

Today I am grateful for my health and my body's abilities.
My lack of kickboxing skill reminds me that I'm lucky just to be healthy enough to go to the gym.

Today I am grateful that it is Friday. 
Because empirical testing has proved that a weekend can cure almost anything.


  1. Holly, this was a beautiful post. Really. What a great reminder of how blessed we really are.

  2. Today, I'm grateful for having met you and being able to read your wonderful blog.


I just knew you would have something to add!