
April 21, 2010

How We Ate Our Way Through Seattle, and other sordid details...

So I guess I should probably tell you about Seattle, eh?

(That's 4 days of Canadian influence right there for you.)

Well for starters -- the light in that town is beautiful. Well, actually everything is beautiful.  Yards full of weeds seem more beautiful when that purple hazed light shines all over everything dewy.  It was amazing, and there were times when I looked over at Garrett and said, "Am I really seeing this?"  and truly meant every bewildered word.  

Seattle collage

We ran the gamut of weather while we were there -- sunny and cool, damp and dewy, sunny and warm, and then also - my personal favorite - Sky Unfurling Wrath.  That felt the most stereotypical, but I hear it's not always like that.
Did you know it rains here?

But do you know what the weird thing was?  I didn't see a single umbrella the entire time we were there.  Weird, right? Seattle peeps -- how do you stay dry with no umbrellas?  It's a mystery.

Anyway, when we arrived on Friday we headed over to Lunchbox Laboratory in Ballard for some burgers and let me just tell you, they are not messing around.  We ate part of this for lunch and then the leftovers for dinner since it was that epic and huge! 

Lunch of Champions - Truffle Burger + Tots  YUM!

Of course 2 meals from one restaurant threw off my already overflowing spreadsheet of restaurants to visit, so I have to acknowledge that we failed miserably at getting through 47 restaurants in 4 days, but fret not we gave it our best effort at eating our way through town just as promised.

Saturday we hit up Pike Place - Crab Sandwiches, Mac and Cheese, Seared Scallop Chowder, Donuts - OH MY! -  (More like Oh Mylanta! ay yay yay.)

Pike Place

 And then for some reason (food coma, perhaps?) we ended up back at home watching a huge marathon of Man vs. Wild on the Discovery Channel.  I am usually firmly against sitting and staring at the television when I'm on vacation, but our condo was so cute (and well, really, so is Bear Grylls) so I just kind of went with it. We stayed in and explored Capitol Hill that night (which is so cute, I'm kind of in love!) and had dinner at a local Pizza place which was just perfect.

The condo living room

On Sunday we decided to take it easy.  After sleeping late, we met Maggie and Phillip for Dim Sum in the International District -- and as someone who has never had a Dim Sum experience before, I will DEFINITELY be partaking again!  Man there was just so! much! stuff!  I wish I could have shut my pie-hole for just a second and sampled every single thing, but as it turns out I was being kind of a blabbermouth so I only kind of know what I like for next time.  I'm so game to experiment though -- it was scrumptious!  Also, can I tell you how nice it is to see a familiar face?  After a few days of planning and scheming and executing, it was so nice to just sit down and chit chat with great people and relax for a minute!  I'm soooo incredibly glad we got to see them. 

Afterward (totally stuffed!) we hopped on the ferry over to Bainbridge Island (ok we might have had some Ice Cream while we there).  It was a beautiful day and the sun was out and if you can believe it I got a crazy sunburn!  

Making waves

We spent another evening in Capitol Hill -- this time having a simple dinner at Broadway Grill.  It was a GORGEOUS night and their patio had been calling to me pretty much since the first night we arrived so we finally sat down and enjoyed some stiff cocktails and grub.  A walk over to Cal Anderson Park afterward was just what the doctor ordered and we (and the rest of the neighborhood) continued to enjoy the unseasonably warm weather.  

Monday came a bit too quick and it was time to hit the road, but not before seeing and lunching with Jessica, who I used to work with.  Another familiar face was fabulous and she took Garrett and I to have basically the best meatball sliders I've ever had in my life at Palomino.  Hands down. 

Kerry Park has spectacular views

When it came time to head home both Garrett and I were sad to say goodbye.  We had a great time, saw beautiful sights, met up with fun friends, and stayed in an adorable condo in a cute neighborhood.  I really couldn't have asked for a better vacation!  But with that same zeal, I also  couldn't decline those peanuts on the flight home quick enough!  It's nice to be back home and back to eating like a normal person, but Seattle definitely left a great impression.

If you're interested, the rest of our pics are over here.


  1. WAH! You weren't supposed to have any fun wihtout me. So sorry to have missed you, but I'm glad it was good. xoxox

  2. Oh man that sounds like a delicious trip! I'm hungry just reading about it!!

  3. So the umbrella thing - people MADE FUN OF ME for carrying an umbrella in college. I KNOW. And I am all, "HELLO, IT RAINS A LOT" and I was duly informed that umbrellas are something like a Sign Of Weakness or at least a Sign That You Do Not Shop At REI, Home Of The $900 Raincoat etc. So whatever.

  4. Well done, my friend! Well done. I'm so glad you loved the city and the food. You have me wanting to head there this weekend.

    Portland has the same secret handshake-like, unspoken policy of no umbrellas. When we moved here in January, we just kind of shrugged our shoulders, donned a hoodie, and went with it. I still think it's slightly crazy - yet I still have never seen anyone wet. lol

    Thanks for sharing the trip with us!


I just knew you would have something to add!